
Showing posts from December, 2023

Adobe Photoshop - Practice

Photoshop practice I've captured this photo while I was walking along the north place carpark Cheltenham. Then I moved the original photo to photoshop and done some edits like  clipping mask , colour adjustment with curve option, drop shadow.  And the Result is 👇  

Longest suspension bridge in the world.

 Longest suspension bridge in the world.  There are 3 suspension bridges connecting Asia and Europe. Among the 3 suspension  bridges, Turkey's  1915 Canakkale bridge is the longest one and the world's longest suspension bridge. This is one of the world class tourist attraction places in Turkey."1915 Canakkale" bridge was opened on 18.03.2022. Turkish government had expected to complete this construction process in 2023( 6years of construction span). Korean engineering professionals and labors completed the project with in 5 years by using marvelous engineering equipment and the man power . The total length of the bridge is 4608m , width 45.06m, height of the main towers 334m. Height of the canakkale bridge towers are 4m higher than the Eiffel tower of France. According to the Turkish government policy, the longest span of the bridge should be 2023 . That's why , the government already planned to open the bridge in 2023.  Some people may ask this main question rega

Small car park design by using Sketch up

 Small car park design by  using Sketch up After doing the design in sketch up, I've opened the model in adobe 3D substance stager and done some rendering. The result below, I've attached the small model of the car park to test the rendering process.

Sketchbook Update 24- African art

 Sketchbook Update 23

Sketchbook Update 23

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 Sketch book update 15

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 Sketchbook Update 13,14

BIM- Building Information Modelling

Post 27   BIM- Building Information Modelling  Building information modelling (BIM) is a new word for construction industry nowadays in developing countries like Srilanka, India, Maldives, Indonesia.  Building modelling information is a collection of the technical software.According to the NBIMSPC - National Building  Information Model Standard Project Committee, BIM is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility.  Auto CAD is a traditional method of drawing technical drawings. BIM will create a whole project information by having basic data .   BIM has divided in to 6 major parts, 1. 1D- Linear measurements 2. 2D- Autocad plan drawings 3. 3D - Civil 3D  , Revit, Autocad 3D          4. 4D - Time related matter: Primavera project management, Microsoft project                               management  5. 5D - Cost related matters,Quantity surveying  6. 6D - Facility management  If we take an Auto cad drawing , it will explain the layout and the plan

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Landscape Architecture

 Post 26 Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Landscape Architecture  Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence done by machines. There is some AI software at its peak now. Chat GBT, Google Bard, and Google Gemini are the most demanded AI tools. The human mind can easily be diverted to other matters when we are doing some important things. But AI is not like that. AI can do its task very perfectly and without errors. In  the landscape architecture field, some major improvements will be replaced by AI in a few months. Normally, landscape architects use Adobe Suite software collections to develop their portfolios or design processes. The Adobe software company implemented some AI applications inside Photoshop. This improvement can reduce the time and increase the perfectness. If we want to insert a picture in a different background, the traditional method will be downloading an image, cutting it, and inserting it. But the new AI update can do these three steps wit

Creating landscape design by using Digimap, Auto-CAD, Sketch up

Post 25   Creating landscape design by using Digimap, Auto-CAD, Sketch up     The steps I've followed to build design 1. Downloaded DWG files from Edina Digi Map with the height details. 2. Height details were transferred to Auto CAD and unwanted areas were trimmed. 3. Drawing has been imported into SketchUp, and the design process has been continued. Refer the following images,  1. Auto CAD Nolli map  2. Modified design on Auto CAD  3. Sketch up Design begins

COP - Conference Of Parties

  Post 24 COP - Conference Of Parties   One of the important and the famous climatic change conference is COP 28. This 28 th conference happening in UAE. The theme of the conference is to reducing the methane and the carbon emission by 2050. Nearly 70000 people from 200 countries attending this conference.   What people can expect from the conference??? 1. Equitable energy transition  2. Fixing climatic finance  3. Mobilising for most inclusive COP so far 

Modular Construction

 Post 23  Modular construction Modular construction is a method of creating a building design by fixing or interlocking. In the normal construction process, people used to build the wall in the place where we needed to build the buildings. Modular construction is totally different from above scenario. Walls could be placed in the wanted area.This process called as modular construction.  Here are some examples for Traditional building method and the modular construction methods.   Some examples for Modular construction below , We can place an element or a whole structure with the help of modular construction method. Why Modular construction??? ??   1. Less material waste: The needed elements were constructed in the manufacturer factory. So, they will reuse the waste. We can minimise the amount of the waste at the site .  2. Reducing the pollution: Normally at the construction site, there are many type of pollutants will be release. Carbon dioxide ( Machine use) , Sulphate related pollu

Apple park- Biophilic design

 Post 22 Apple park  Biophilia is a word that explains that the connectivity of a nature with the humans. Originally this word came from Greek. Mostly,  the biopic buildings constructed  with he natural ventilation , light and the fresh air. Apple park campus building in California attracts me more .  Architectural , Structural design - ARUP I've downloaded this image from google map.175 acre of biophilic designed land. This designated area having more than 9000  trees and small ponds and terrace.  Special features of the ring building, 1. Most advanced precast concrete elements ( 15m span slabs) are fixed in this building. 2. Viewing area with the curved glass feature. 3. Powered by 100% renewable energy  4. Most of the spaces are naturally ventilated  5. Houses for 12000 employees.  6. 17MW solar power farm 

Renewable Energy sources

 Post 21 Renewable Energy sources Renewable energy Energy taken from the natural resources that are renewed at a higher rate than they are consumed.   The common renewable energy sources are 1. Sun - Sun light will be converted to electricity by using photovoltaic cells. 2. Wind- Wind force will be converted to electricity with the help of rotating wind turbines. 3. Hydro Energy- Hydro potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy and that energy will be converted to  electricity by using dynamos.  4. Geo thermal energy - Heat energy of the earth's center core will be converted to electricity by sing geothermal plants.   5. Sea waves ( vibration) These Renewable sources will not affect the environment by emitting harmful gases like methane, carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide. Converting an energy to another energy is not an easy task. We need to build huge power plants plants, need massive place, manpower and  funds every thing at starting  point. Proper maintenance should be giv

Seat wall details - Construction drawing

 Post 20 Seat wall details - Construction drawing   I've drawn this drawing by using auto-cad. It took less than 30 mins to drew

What is Net ZERO?

 Post 19  Net Zero Cheltenham 2030  Net zero is the process of reducing the emissions from the atmosphere. Basically, the greenhouse gasses affecting the atmospheric temperature so hard. According to Environmental Protection Agency of united states ,Green house gasses trap the heat in the atmosphere. There are four main gasses contributing the greenhouse effect. 1. Carbon dioxide - This is the primary green house gas. Carbon dioxide emitted from  fossil fuels , solid waste and the cement production. 2. Methane - Methane emitted from the agricultural production , transportation coal production, Natural gas and the petroleum systems. 3. Nitrous oxide - Combustion of fossil fuels, Waste water treatment 4. Flourinated gases ( Hydro floro carbon,  perfluorocarbons  -  Emitted from the household products. GWP- Global Warming Potential  Global Warming Potential (GWP) describes how much impact a gas will have on atmospheric warming over a period of time compared to carbon dioxide. To achieve t

Photoshop Rendering Practice

 Post 18  Photoshop Rendering Practice  A model was created with the help of a sketch up. The model changed to a monochromatic, shaded view. The shaded view was then opened and rendered in Photoshop .  Sketchup Image Photoshoped  Image Refference  1.People image samples:- 2. Paving :- 3.Hedge :-

Constructed wetlands

 Post 17  Constructed wetlands / Reed beds  Constructed wetlands are man-made wetlands to treat waste water. This method is much easier and cheaper than the other treatment methods. Constructed wetland can treat grey water and black water as well. There are three main types of constructed wetland systems.   1. Horizontal Flow wetlands  In UK, This is the most commonly used method.  Horizontal wetland can remove the following pollutants  from the waste grey or black water . TSS- Total Suspended Solids  BOD 5 -  Biochemical Oxygen demand  COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand  2.Vertical Flow wetlands  These type of systems are smaller than the horizontal reedbeds.  Reference 1. 2.,%2C%20dishwashing%20and%20bathing%20water).

Sketchup Practices

 Post 16  Sketchup Practices   According to the weekly task, I've done some  simple SketchUp works